
Sunday, November 25, 2012

Settee Success!!!

If you're a regular reader you might remember a couple weeks ago when I posted that I really really wanted to find an antique settee for our soon to be finished master bedroom. You can read the post here.
Well I spotted the PERFECT one on craigslist on Friday and was able to go and pick it up yesterday. I loved it when I saw it in the listing. I loved it when I saw it in person, and I loved it soooooo much when I saw it in place in our bedroom. My husband had forbade me from purchasing any other furniture for the upstairs until we completed the renovation, but I knew this deal was too good to pass up, and when he saw it in person, he agreed. I know the fabric is a little retro, but look at the lines! Look at the detail! It's so comfortable too. I will trade someone a dining set to reupholster it for me (I'll buy the upholstery fabric too). I think eventually I'd like to put a more modern floral with a slightly more pastel undertone, slightly less earth-tone. And I'll paint the frame. But for now, it will work.
What do you think?

So we still need to tape and mud the walls, redo the floors, and install the ceilings, but we're getting there!

Love the detail of the legs. Just imagine this painted an antique white with a tinted wax on top to bring out the detail.

Beautiful carved handholds

Carved detail on the bottom

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