
Monday, October 26, 2015

Autumn House Tour

I intended to work on furniture today. It's sunny and moderately not frigid out, but first I needed to finish painting the family room. Once I did that I decided just to go ahead and photograph for a fresh house tour as it's been since spring since I updated it last. And then what with staging and cleaning and photo editing, here is is 3:30 and I haven't done a single bit of furniture refinishing. Ah well, there's always tomorrow.  
          You can view the entire house tour on the tab at the top of the blog here, and there are way more pictures there, so you should definitely check it out!  Here are some of my favorites from today's shoot.

1 comment:

  1. LOVE! The "Open" sign you have. We had a great one at our gallery and it was stolen... been looking for a replacement ever since! Know any CT-area antique centers with a few on their hands they need to get rid of? :)
