Of course there was a flea market on Easter Sunday! And of course, I didn't miss it! I did have to go a little later than my usual 8am arrival though, as the husband couldn't be roused from bed before 9am. He usually works about 12hours on Sundays, and since this was a rare Sunday off for him, I quelled my flea market excitement to allow him a little extra shut eye. Even with getting there late, there was still plenty of goodies to be had! Here's what I got, along with other things I picked up over the week.
It's absolutely spectacular weather here. Our forsythia, daffodils, and magnolia are all blooming. This is my favorite time of year and I'm just giddy with it all!
First, the husband picked up a cat jacket for Oliver. Oliver was luke warm on the idea. |
This gorgeous vintage purse that I'm just obsessed with. $5. Shut up. |
I got a wonderful vintage Harden cherry dining set on Saturday. I think I'll keep the chairs for myself, and pair the table with another set of six Queen Anne chairs I've been using. |
Love the lines of the table. I plan to start this project tonight. |
I was over the moon for this antique landscape painting. It so nicely matches the one I got last weekend- and it was only $8. Insane. |
$10 for the pair of these vintage mersman side tables. I've going to refinish them and put them on either side of our leather sofa in the guest house. |
This stunning antique bowl was $8. It compliments the one I got last weekend perfectly. |
and I used them both for the Easter luncheon spread I did on Sunday afternoon. |
And here are my two antique paintings together. I'd swear they're by the same artist. I bought them from different vendors but judging by the age to the stretchers on the reverse, they were done about 1900. One has the word "Fagan" written on the back stretcher. Don't they look smashing together!! |