I love a lot of old stuff, but two things that especially ring my chimes are antique workbenches and antique shop counters. I've done a few posts on antique workbenches, but have not given enough attention to counters, especially now that I own one! I picked this beauty up off craigslist on Monday. How Beautiful is it!!!!!! It came from a hotel in Maine. Judging by the style and construction, I'd say it dates to about 1860-1885. It's 3 feet wide and 9.5 feet long. I'm hoping to put it in my workshop, though it may be a little larger than I need- in which case it will be available for purchase.
Also, please find some pics of other lustworthy counters below. I wish a had a huuuuuuge kitchen, so I could use one as an island!
Happy Wednesday!
Here's my new counter. It has its original finish, which is really nice. |
This one is just stunning. I love the chippy green paint and all the visible storage. |
The added moulding detail and the mustard yellow paint makes this antique counter a show stopper. Really, the whole kitchen is stunning. |
I must admit, this is more what I have in mind for my workshop- fairly narrow with paneled sides etc. |
I have a old market counter as well, with 4 large deep drawers on the back side...I use it now in the kitchen, and when I update the kitchen I want to put some type of top on it so I can use it more...any suggestions?