Last night I drove down to New Haven to pick up a c.1920 dining set. One leaf, six matching chairs. and a sideboard. It's a gorgeous set, but the drive was a bear, and it was seriously the most I've ever put in the back of my truck. Thank God for ratchet straps! I've also got a couple projects in progress that I thought I'd give you a sneak peak at. If you're interested in the island, please let me know, as the islands usually sell fast, and once it hits craigslist (tomorrow afternoon) it will be everyman/woman for themselves. Have a wonderful weekend!
I love this set. The wood is in such perfect untouched condition that I really think it would be best just to reupholster the seats and give them a little buffing. |
It blows my mind, every inch of caning is intact. I never see that. Now granted, these chairs are vintage, not antique, but still, such fine condition. |
When I was stuck in traffic on my way to New Haven last night, I thought several times of just giving up, but the thought of this sideboard was what kept me driving. I just can't wait to get started on it! |
Just look at all that detail. This is going to be stunning. |
I had to take the legs off the table to get it in my truck, but at least this gives you a sense of the shape and scale. |
This is a custom project that I'm working on for a client. I love how light and bright it feels, very delicate. |
Another custom project, I adore this blue, and am secretly plotting to paint something of my own this color sometime soon. It's Benjamin Moore's Bayou Blue. |
This kitchen island will be complete tomorrow. It started life as a c.1850 sideboard, very dark and visually heavy. I forgot to take before pics on it, but I'll take some very classy photos tomorrow when it's all done. |
Look at the amazing brackets that are supporting the bar side hang over. Those are c.1890 wrought iron pieces that I got at the flea market almost two months ago. I've just been waiting for the perfect project for them. The top of the island is made from salvaged antique barn boards. It's available for purchase! |