
Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Our Christmas Tree

Well, one of two actually, the other is in the jazz lounge and I haven't finished decorating it yet. Here is the main tree though. I put it in the kitchen since knocking down the kitchen wall made the space so large. It allows me to go a little hog wild when it comes to size. As usual, the tree was too big and I had to cut it down a bit. The ornaments are handout snowflakes made from discarded antique sheet music, modern silver glass balls, and antique blue green glass balls (that I got at a tag sale two weekends ago). Green and white lights. I finished and realized there was no star, so I whipped one together with a glue gun and more antique sheet music. The skirt is just a swath of left over upholstery fabric.
All in all- yea, I'm pretty proud of it! The second tree is going to be much more colorful- colored lights and lots of vintage brightly colored glass ornaments. I'll post pics when I'm done.

all lit up and glowing!

a close up of the star and some snowflakes.

and the cats have made it their personal mission to knock every single ornament off the tree.

I think it's my favorite Christmas tree ever :)

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