
Wednesday, November 30, 2011

cupboards for the kitchen

 This past spring a dear friend of ours gave us a wonderful antique cupboard because he knew it was just our style- and it is. The rustic storage piece has been a God send- not only does it tie together our kitchen- the oodles of storage space within are super handy. Like kitchen islands- I love cupboards, and am constantly admiring other ones, even though I'm so fond of my current one. I did allow myself to purchase another much smaller cupboard that also fits in the kitchen. It was only $8 at the flea market- mostly because the door was off the hinges and it had no interior shelves. I fixed both those issues and now it sits under the white shelves on the outside wall of the kitchen. Some day, I might upgrade to a double wide step back cupboard- so I could have a little counter space too- though that may have to wait until I have a bigger house... Here are my two- and then some others than I love.

The petite dimensions are perfect for this little unused space in the kitchen. I'm storing my excess glassware inside currently.

And here are both cupboards in their respective places. (the big cupboard is currently on the other side of the window to make room for our Christmas tree) 

I adore how unapologetically rustic this cupboard is. It looks like it was picked fresh from a barn, and then set between two luxurious side chairs. 

Just the kind of storage that is beyond useful in a kitchen. But it would be pretty just about anywhere- I'd love to have something like this in my bedroom for sweater storage (I have about 300).

The surface on this cupboard is diving. An old green over red.  I wish the setting were a little brighter. If that were my house, I'd paint that brick white. 

Bright and cheerful- and the glass doors provide a wonderful place to display cherished glassware and plates

The chalky green color is great- the red I'm a little more hesitant about. This is a great option if you don't have a lot of space to spare though- and it's super cute.

I love the chippy paint and the form of this cupboard. Just the kind of counter space I want some day from a cupboard.

Beyond belief green. What a stunning enticing color. This little gem would look perfect anywhere. It has a distinctly European feel. 

Don't have the space in your floor plan for a full cupboard? How about a hanging one that goes over a counter top. The breadboard back on this one is an especially nice detail!

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