
Monday, November 24, 2014

A Cedar Chest Rescue Mission

Not everything can be saved. I have a fire pit next to my workshop, and sadly, some things that I've bought with the highest hopes have met their (furniture) maker within its fiery depths. But sometimes there are mitigating circumstances that elevate a piece of furniture, no matter the condition, above the "to burn or not to burn" quandary. In this case, this antique cedar chest was a family piece, brought to me by a client with the simple heartfelt plea to save it, in whatever way possible.
        Now this cedar chest was admittedly a hot mess. Both hinges were broken, the veneer was pealing up everywhere, and it was missing bits of its feet. I had to stare at it in my workshop for a long time before I could will myself to start on it, and every stage took seemingly longer than the last. Luckily, the owner is a very patient gal (Thank You Mary!!). So without further ado, here it is with veneer removed, new paint, new hinges and new trim. And, amazingly, once I removed three, Yes THREE, layers of veneer and plywood from the top, there was beautiful wormy chestnut underneath.



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