
Thursday, February 6, 2014

An Antique Art Deco Bed

A quick refresher on the time frame we operate here at Heir and Space. I wrote this post on wanting a new bed exactly one week ago. Only a couple hours after posting I found the most fantastic antique art deco bed on craigslist, and it was only one town over. I picked it up that night, refinished it over the weekend, and photographed it yesterday. I absolutely love it. Removing the boring old four poster bed definitely opened up the room. I think the curved footboard and tall headboard add some much needed elegance to the master bedroom. To give the antique bed a fresh look I first patched the veneer chips with wood putty. Once it was dry I sanded it flat. I painted the bed with a custom mixed color that I would describe as the lightest shade of putty. After three coats and dry time I gave the bed a brown glaze to achieve that old world depth of tone. Finally I gave the bed a hand waxed and buffed surface to protect the paint. Before and afters below. What do you think?



Here's the bedroom with the old bed

And here it is after!

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous2/08/2014

    This bed is stunning! I love it!
