
Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Decorating with Marble

Sorry it's been a little while since I last posted. As you may know, Connecticut got hit with the second largest snowstorm in state history on Friday night. It was second only to the 1888 blizzard, which if you haven't, you should google pictures of that storm. We got about 35 inches in East Hampton, and to go from no snow on the ground to three feet in less than 24 hours is both scary and seriously inconvenient. We shoveled for about 9 hours between Saturday and Sunday, but we're basically shoveled out now. The weathermen are predicting two more snowstorms in the next week, but I'm hoping that they're kidding.
So let's think about happier things than snow and wind. Our upstairs renovations are ticking along nicely, and we're getting to the point where we need to pick out paint colors and tile for the bathroom shower. I'll show you the paint colors in another post. My husband and I are debating whether to do large white marble tiles for the shower (my choice) or white vintage-y subway tiles with a narrow black band at about eye level (his choice). Both will be quite handsome, and since we're opting out of a tub for the bath, the walk in shower is going to be large and luxurious... and I really want that white marble for the shower.

I love white marble. It feels classic and antique and decadent. There's so many pretty antique marble pieces out there, but they're always so expensive. I'd love to get a little antique bistro table with a marble top and a wrought iron base. I don't have a spot for it, but if I found one, I'd make a space.
Here are some pretty marble pieces, and a picture of our snowstorm. I'll let you know if I win the shower tile debate!
A beautiful kitchen that makes the most of white marble, using it on the countertops and on the lovely little bistro table.

I'm obsessed with this outdoor living room. I love all the white brick, the mirror over the fireplace, and of course the white marble table and coffee table. So pretty!

A sweet simple bathroom with white, wood, and marble. It feels earthy and fresh.

Gray marble makes a slick little work station in this nook.

A wrought iron sewing machine base gets a second life with a beautiful piece of marble on top. Now it's the perfect petite potting station!

A fabulous antique kitchen made all the more wonderful with the addition of the marble topped kitchen island. I really like the color of the cabinets here as well. 

big thick slabs of marble make a huge statement in this kitchen. Possibly the prettiest place ever to wash dishes!

The white marble looks timeless and beautiful in this classic bathroom.

A quirky little kitchen set is right at home in this eclectic kitchen.

Another stunning white marble bathroom. The tiles on the wall are very similar to the ones I want to put in our shower.

I always see these pretty antique sinks on craigslist for less than $100.  I wish I had a spot for one.

A super antique outdoor dining table topped with a snow-white piece of marble.

Such an outstanding kitchen island here. It's truly the star of the kitchen.

And here's my husband shoveling out our driveway on Saturday.

Our backyard the day after the storm. look at that snow!

1 comment:

  1. thx for info... keep writing and giving us an information... glhf for ur day!!!
