
Friday, February 8, 2013

A Painted Secretary

   I picked up this beautiful little antique secretary off craigslist yesterday evening. It was just down the road in a gorgeous corner of Portland, CT. As is my habit, I almost drove off the road several times because I was distractedly admiring the lovely antique houses. Against all odds, I made it home safe with the secretary. I think I'm going to work on it tomorrow since it looks like we're going to buried under around 39 feet of snow. I'd really really really like to paint it a fun fresh color- or possibly cream on the outside and a pretty color on the inside. If anyone would like to own this secretary- now would be the time to email me and tell me you'd love a robin's egg blue secretary- or something like that :) it's or incase you need it.
Need some inspiration for the secretary? Here are some other beautiful painted ones.
I hope you're all staying safe and warm out there and that your power stays on!
Really though- I'd love paint color suggestions for this piece. Just comment below!
The lid folds down to a fitted interior, and the doors and the lid lock, and still have their original keys.
 There are two shelves for the top as well.
Also- this is a judge free zone- so none of you are allowed to
make snarky comments about the horrid state of my workshop!! ;)

OMG. this is my favorite. LOOK AT THAT COLOR. Someone please commission me to paint something with these colors! 

Simple a sweet, the color combination here is a definite win.
 And can we all agree that the glass door grates are beyond amazing!

What a lovely room. The doors to this secretary have been removed to make the storage more accessible.

I really like the powder blue and subtle distressing on this secretary

Such a pretty space! The secretary is just a hair deeper in hue than the walls, making it almost feel like part of the architecture. 

Miss Mustard seed just picked this as one of her favorites from last week's link party. It's a wonderful shade of blue, and the white interior looks so fresh.

I love the scale and visual weight of this piece. It really minds me of the early 19th century secretaries being made in Pennsylvania. Nice and chunky, with handsome scrolled top.

And of course there's the option to go full on color with some wild cherry red. It's pretty cool.

Two toned looks beautiful and intriguing on this secretary

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