
Wednesday, July 15, 2015

A Sweet Antique Oak Table

A new client approached me last week to see what, if anything, could be done for a little oak table that had been in her family for a while. It's already been painted, stripped, and painted yet again several times. When I got it, it had almost no varnish left on the top and was pocked with water marks. It's solid oak, made by the Hoosier company, and really showed it's quality with how easily it bounced back. I fixed one of the hinges on the drop leaf, screwed the top down on both sides where it had begun to warp, then sanded, stained, and sealed the top, and painted, distressed, and waxed the legs and apron. Upon the (very sensible) request of the client, I left the original hoosier label exposed, cause it's so cool!

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