
Monday, June 4, 2012

New Decor- The dining room

I worked for most of the day on the new summer decor in the house. I've got the dining room and family room all set. The kitchen is ready but I'm storing a giant farm table in there until a client picks in up on Friday, so no pics yet. I'm not happy with the porch yet, still a work in progress. And of course, my upstairs still looks like a construction site- so I didn't do any re-decorating up there.
But I wanted to show you the progress so here are some pictures of the dining room with the new nautical/tropical look. I've got some projects almost complete and will have some furniture before and after posts later in the week. Oh, and most exciting of all, I've finally figured out how to make the images on the blog larger, so I'll be back trekking through the blog to enlarge the photos from old posts.
Enjoy ~
This is the chaos that ensues when I switch decor. Half the stuff gets taken down and stored in the garage attic, the other half in getting brought in from the garage attic. It's pretty labor intensive.
BEFORE ok so I took these photos of the dining room a couple weeks ago when I finished the new dining room set.

AFTER And here's the same view with the new stuff. That's my new antique windsor chair in the corner, a cool climbing plant in the corner

Before on the corner of the dining room
After on the corner of the dining room. The other chest has been moved to the basement to be transformed into a kitchen island. This chest was on the porch... I know I need to paint one of the drawer pulls still. The painting is an original oil w done by a Nun, I got it at the Goodwill last summer.

Here's my new cupboard that you saw in the previous post. My husband thinks I should paint it a brighter white.  I'm kind of toying with the idea of painting it a light green.

This is actually in the dining room but it's one of my favorite finds of all time. It's an antique oil painting that I got an antique store for $10 a couple years ago. I love all the colors and there's something so mysterious and romantic about it. 

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