
Thursday, January 5, 2012

Over the mantel

As I planned the spring decor, I began to realize that our over the mantel mirror, though handsome and sleek, was a bit heavy for the new light, airy look I was working towards. I love having something to hunt for, and so began a full scale search for something new to put over the mantel. I was pretty sure I wanted it to be a mirror as well, but funkier, and more interesting. Sometimes lightening strikes, and such was the case in the mirror situation. I looked for a grand total of two days, and then found the most beyond perfect mirror EVER for the unreasonably reasonable price of $50. Love LOVE it. Luckily, it was still available. And so, I drove about 40 minutes down to the shore on New Years day to pick up this most perfect piece of architectural art. I think it dates to c. 1880-1900. It was the most wonderful way to start the New Year, standing right next to the beach, cool air blowing on shore, amazing mirror safely loaded into the yellow truck. I had started writing this post before I found the new mirror- so here are some other pictures of over mantel mirrors I like, and my old mirror, and the new one. Happy New Year!

A little dark and somber- handsome yes, but all I want to see now is light and bright and springy!

So this big guy weighs about 75 pounds, and it was an epic battle trying to mount it over the mantel.  But look at the lovely swirling of the carved wood and gesso. So elegant!

And with the whole fireplace- boy that brick really needs to be paint- but don't let that distract you- look at the gorgeous mirror!

Simple and white- this mirror adds a sense of peace to the room. 

I love this- the large mirror with the wreath of twigs. The whole room is perfect. The scale is so impressive, but the decor keeps the space warm and inviting. 

Well, I know it's a little christmas flash back, but I imagine this mirror is a stunner year round.

So organic feeling with that luminescent mother of pearl frame!

SO PRETTY- and the pair of mirrors is quirky and unexpected. What a great space.

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