
Wednesday, October 5, 2011

The white brick dilemma

I'd been kicking the idea around for a while. Our fireplace was dark and stained from 100 years of use, and was like a dreary dark cave in the corner of our family room. Loath as I am to change anything original about an antique home, after looking at many many pictures from other brave homeowners, I decided to take the plunge. I kneeled before my fireplace, brush laden with white paint, frozen midair with the inner turmoil, until the paint began to drip onto my knee. I shut my eyes and blindly swiped at the old brick. Once the first broad stroke was done, I knew there was no turning back and so soldiered on. The result, of course, was divine. The room seems ten times larger and fifty times brighter. A success! And I'm already plotting the Christmas mantel arrangement. A few inspiration pics and then my before and after. Thoughts?

You can see how horribly dark it is here

much better, much lighter.

It's like there's suddenly a spotlight in the room. hurray!

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