Wednesday, November 1, 2017

A Drexel Buffet in Eggplant

Finding balance. November's theme will be Finding Balance. In October I threw myself in several directions with great gusto- painting pictures primarily, but being that there are tragically and irritatingly only 24 hours in a day, other things started to slip faster than a toddler in roller skates standing on a banana peel on a steep incline. Firstly, I was eating like a garbage monster. Seriously, Oscar the Grouch called me up and was like, "slow down on those half stale sour cream and onion potato chips, jesus." And my house was a hot mess, dog fur fluff dust bunnies the size of a cabbage heads, creeping out from under every chair and sofa. Also, dear blog, I neglected you entirely.
      I'm a firm believer in fresh starts. They're a wonderful thing, and any occasion can prompt one. November will be my fresh start.
      Let's start with this perfectly charming c.1945 Drexel Federal mahogany buffet. I bought it at the ReStore last week, and dove right in refinishing it. I knew as soon as I saw it that I wanted it in a deep moody shade of plum or eggplant. It's a risky color choice, but it just felt so right for this piece. I went with a reliable favorite, Benjamin Moore's Basalt. The interior is an antique creamy white. I refinished the top to play up the mahogany figuring, and opted to keep the original hardware.
     This was one of those pieces that gave me no trouble during the refinishing process, a rare bird indeed it seemed in October, when every other thrice damned piece was a nightmare. This darling was a walk in the park, I think it has good ju-ju, probably that means one of you should definitely buy it. Guaranteed to bring its good ju-ju to your home and look deliciously festive decked out for the holidays.


  1. This is so lovely! Is it in your inventory?

  2. Anonymous11/02/2017

    Beautiful! I love the color choice!
