Thursday, March 2, 2017

A Vintage Pecan Sideboard in Gray and Mustard

I love a piece with a bit of a surprise interior. It's like the M. Night Shyamalan of furniture flips.
The script would read-
 "Oh look, an elegant vintage sideboard with lovely lines in a soft shade of demure gray..."
*opens doors*
            And it's funny that both this sideboard and the last one I just showed you have that in common. Lady in the streets but a freak in the... color option for interior, ok that one kind of fell apart but let's roll with it. 
       I got this funky sideboard from the ReStore last week. The price was right and I knew that top would be a doll when refinished. I did this piece custom for a pair of clients who have now had Heir and Space in two of their homes, which is super cool! And they have a great eye for design. This vintage beast was so dated before, but they could totally see the potential! It's funny how much more modern a piece can be with what amounts to just a new color scheme! We went with a custom mixed gray for the exterior, which I've named "Blackstock Granite", and a bold pop of mustard for the interior bin drawers, because why the hell not! I refinished the top, it's pecan, it's flawless, I'm pretty proud of it. 

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous3/07/2017

    What a transformation! Love those mustard drawers too!
