
Sunday, January 8, 2017

A Vintage Hutch in Sunny Yellow

Did you get snow yesterday? We got slammed pretty hard here in East Hampton Connecticut. It's hard to say what the total accumulation was since the wind was howling the whole time the snow was falling, but I'd guess around 8 inches. I went out and shoveled our absurdly long driveway and all the walkways and parking spots this morning, which I'm officially counting as my workout for the day! Also it's something like ten degrees out right now, brutal, uncompromising January weather.

              I don't know about you, but I'm already ready for summer! I can't offer you balmy breezes, or sun soaked rose gardens, but here's a happy, sunshine yellow china cabinet that I've just finished for a client! And if there's one thing a bunch of snow is good for, it's lighting for photo shoots. It reflects the bright white sun right into my workshop, and thank goodness, because this is basically a cave.

        The yellow is custom mixed, as is the antique white on the interior. We kept the original oval Federal brass drawer pulls for the lower doors and drawer but I swapped the single knob on top for a slightly more sophisticated salvaged antique bras knob. I lightly distressed the case and sealed it with dark wax. It's staged with a set of china I found this past fall in a box on the side of the road, and some grocery stores flowers that I've used for the last six or so photo shoots (I promise this'll be the last time I use them!).

           I gotta say, I'm thrilled with how this one came out, such a happy, mellow color. It's going into a spectacular family room in an 18th century farmhouse! How fun!

Are you watching the Golden Globes tonight? My beloved Eddie Redmayne is presenting so you better believe I'm watching. Next year I plan to have made so much headway that I get invited to attend. What the hell, set big goals, see big results right???

OH! And one more neat thing about this china cabinet! It's got a date stamped on the back-9/27/48! I just love when pieces like this are dated. It's a mass produced cabinet, but it really helps to inform my date attributions to all similar pieces. I'll say that's almost exactly where I would have pegged it- Just after WWII when all the baby boomers were buying and filling their new suburban homes. It's nice that it's remained such a timeless charmer. Almost 70 years old and still looking good!


  1. Love it, but I have to admit I'm a dish lovin' gal. You found those dishes by the side of the road???? Unbelievable.

  2. Another beautiful piece and, as always, beautifully displayed and photographed!
