
Saturday, December 17, 2016

I'm No Good at Relaxing and Pretty Close-ups

We're off on a long weekend in Florida. When we left yesterday morning it was 5 degrees out. FIVE. The only thing more bitter than the weather was my mood. I hate flying. I'm not sure I hate anything more than flying, except bitter cold weather. And so I weeped and panicked my way through the two and a half hour flight (yes, I'm that asshole), but I suppose it was worth it (for me at least, my travel companions were pretty miffed with my histrionics). I'm typing this from the gorgeous patio of my friend's gorgeous Floridian home. I'm barefoot, there are palm trees and flowers and dewey green grass...and I'm bored off my kettle.
          I'm fairly certain I'd much rather be crouched on my filthy freezing concrete workshop floor, furiously painting away on something, muttering to myself, spilling my luke warm coffee, all the wonderful things that are home. I'm trying trying trying to relax and soak up the sun, and slow down, but who has time for silly things like that?!
           I need something to do with my hands so I'm blogging. Here's some pretty close-ups from pieces of furniture I finished over the years. 95% of the pictures I share with you are of the piece as a whole, but I do try to snap close-ups when there's a particularly enchanting detail, or bit of decorative paint work that I did custom. And of course, lots and lots of beautiful carving.

So many of these pictures were taken in Spring and summer, it's making me ache for warmer weather. The warm weather down here is eerie and fake, there are Christmas decorations everywhere but it's going to be well into the 80s today. It's like living in a dream, a perpetual summer that's gotten worn and ragged from overuse.


  1. Anonymous12/18/2016

    Love, love, love. I feel the same way about flying, so I understand. Gets on my last nerve. Wish I lived closer and I'd want to buy something of yours! Merry Christmas in the sunshine.

  2. Enjoy the difference, and I'm glad you needed to do something as this is a fabulous pictoral blog! Gives me lots of ideas.

  3. I would trade places with you in a heartbeat.

  4. Anonymous12/19/2016

    Girl, I want to be bored in Florida! Instead I am in Missouri and had to go to work in the -4 degree weather with ice and snow on the roads. Enjoy that dream you are in right now take the time slow down and enjoy life before your flight back to the real world. I love all your work! Merry Christmas!
