
Wednesday, October 5, 2016


Mustard is the hot color of the season. In the summer it was all about pale blues and dove grays, and last spring everyone wanted a deep admiral blue I'd custom mixed and named 'Essex Blue'

         But this fall it's all about the mustard and that's just dandy because mustard is terrific. Mustard is an absolute hoot to work with, it's bright and wild and cheerful, but also has this old world sophisticated vibe, and certainly makes any room it enters and draws every eye towards it. Mustard is, in essence, that girl you really want to hate because she's lovely and young and beautiful and successful, but you can't because she also seems like she'd be swell to drink with. Mustard is the Jennifer Lawrence of colors.

            And here's this fabulous vintage solid rock maple dresser I picked up at my best friend's local goodwill in Manchester. Her goodwill puts mine to shame, the prices and selection are obscene. She actually spotted this dresser first and pointed it out to me and I was all like "Um yea, that's happening HARD". Which is how we talk and don't you judge us.

             So my other dear friend had mentioned to me not a day before that she's on the hunt for a dresser for her son's room, and I messaged her as soon as I got home cause I knew it would be perfect. We agreed on darkening the maple, keeping the original brass pulls, and painting it in a serious mustard, BUT NOT DISTRESSED, because as she explained, she lives in a two hundred year old house, everything around her is distressed. LOL.

              I ninja snuck into my neighbor's yard to steal a branch off his maple tree for staging. My maples NEVER turn pretty colors, they just fade and die. This is likely deeply symbolic of something or other.

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