
Tuesday, September 13, 2016

The Eye of Sauron

Have you read the 'About Me' tab on my blog? I'm thinking I need to update it fairly soon. Several of the points are no longer true. For one thing, when I first started this venture and was wildly ambitious I did indeed wear make up everyday. But now, more than two years in, I hardly ever wear makeup when I work. More likely I'm coated with a loathsome paste of sweat, sawdust, wood putty, wood glue, bondo and paint smears. The look will not be carrying me to the cover of Vogue anytime soon.

       #10 of the 'About Me' is still true and will certainly always be. I'm geeky. A short list of things about which I am geeky and will readily chew your ear off about include:

- historical disasters and disaster preparedness
- 19th century clothing and photography
- antiques especially signs, folk art portraiture, boxes, weathervanes, and furniture
- my job
- Marvel movies
- Disney movies
- HOW TO TRAIN YOUR DRAGON *this is a big one*
- true crime, especially serial killers
- and last but by no means least Lord of the Rings

          I think I've read The Hobbit and the Lord of the Rings series at least ten times through, and my junior year of high school I painted my entire room in a mural of middle earth. I was also known to run around in the woods behind my parents house in a cloak and carrying a bow and arrow. Guess how popular I was...

           And I still love Tolkien's work so So much all these years later. My best friend Jess does too. Though now that I'm thinking about it, she and I have never had a slumber party/Lord of the Rings movie marathon and that needs to be amended pronto. Alas she's off in Scotland on vacation, geeking out with our other best friend Amanda about Outlander, so it will have to wait.

         But while she's away let me show you the adorable vintage Lane coffee table I just refinished for her stunning new antique house. I scored it from the local goodwill last week when they were having their big Labor Day sale. This sucker started out at $200, which is hilarious, they do know they're a goodwill, right?! And obviously no one bought it! I got it after discounts etc, at $24, which is a much more reasonable price. A steal really, but don't tell the guy that prices the furniture over there, he's martinet enough with his price gun as it is.

        It's got the best top, burled center, figured mahogany all the character and charm you could possibly cram into a coffee table, and right in the center, what's quite clearly the Eye of Sauron. Jess spotted it, demanded it be hers, and of course as she gets firsts dibs (well second if we count me) on all my furniture, I refinished the Sauron coffee table for her back living room.

1 comment:

  1. Awesome. I love Lord of the Rings and have read it many times in the last oh geez..... 50 years. The movies were terrific.
