
Thursday, August 25, 2016

The Great 25k Giveaway!

Well hot damn if we haven't flown past 25,000 likes on the Heir and Space Facebook page!! It happened so fast it's hard to believe we were at somewhere around 500 two years ago at this time. And to celebrate I'm hosting another giveaway! One of you is going to win this beautiful c.1925 solid poplar vanity table. It's so cute and cheeky and I can't wait to give it away to a lucky winner.
Just like with the other giveaways- a few easy rules.

and remember all you have to do to enter is click below!

And for all my far away furniture-istas, fear not! You can be a winner too! the 2nd prize will be a custom watercolor painting which I can ship to you anywhere in the world! Rules for that are below as well.
GOOD LUCK!!!! Woohoo!!

Da Rules-------

1. I don't ship my furniture. If you live far away and want to enter, that's fine, but you're fully responsible for any shipping costs and logistics.

2. The contest will start tomorrow morning at 8:30am and run until Friday Sept. 2nd at 8:30am at which point some fancy computer stuff that I don't understand will randomly select our two winners and I'll shoot you an email to tell you you're the winner!!!

3.  In order to enter I ask that you just help spread the word about Heir and Space. Tell a friend, share one of my Facebook posts, follow me on instagram (@heirandspace) or like the Heir and Space Facebook page. You can also follow me on twitter but I swear a lot there, so just fair warning. This is on the honor system, and I'm trusting you. You can enter once a day, just share or tell someone or whatever once a day. That's fair right? Totally fair.

*if you live far away and don't want to deal with shipping, don't worry. I'm also hosting a giveaway for a custom piece of artwork, which I will ship to the lucky winner! You can enter that giveaway here! (and YES, you can enter both contests!!)

2nd prize ruuuuuules

1. I will paint you a custom watercolor!!! the piece can be no larger than 9.5" x 7.5", 
but I will custom mat and frame it. I'm pretty good at house portraits, seascapes and landscapes, and total shit at everything else. So choose your requested subject matter wisely. That being said, if you want an atrocious painting of your cat Fluffy, let's do it. 

2. I will cover the shipping charges of mailing the painting to the winner, so feel free to enter, wherever you live anywhere in the world!

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Beautifully done!

  2. This is simply amazing and so generous! I love your work and am the proud owner of one of your refinished pieces. :) I will happily share this post. Good luck to all, and thank you for such a great giveaway. BTW, I do live locally and would be more than happy to come and pick this beauty up for my home. theresamacnaughtonatgmaildotdcom

  3. This would inspire me to redo my home office just so I could use this! Beautiful
