
Sunday, July 31, 2016

A Bench and Server in Blue

July is on her way out the door, and I'm sorry to say, but good riddance. It was an absolutely exceptional month for me in terms of sales, and the dry weather that lasted through most of the month meant I could spread out on the driveway and paint away. But is was hot, humid, and sticky and that made every task unpleasant. It is in fact humid and sticky even now at just past 8am as I'm typing this. Luckily, August usually cools down a bit and If this August follows the same pattern as most of the Augusts I've known in my 14 years in Connecticut, it will be less humid, and quite lovely most days, though there will still be some damn hot days scattered about. 
          At the moment it's trying to decide if it should rain or not, or rather, it's trying to decide if it's ready to start raining, as judging by the radar it's going to rain all day. My workshop is cleared out, though, and I have projects to work on in there all day. 
          Here's the last group of projects I managed to squeeze in before the rainy weekend began, a vintage cherry server and a pine bench custom for a client. The client requested a nautical scene with a lighthouse to be painted across the base of the bench, and as lighthouses are my favorite thing to paint ever, I was more than delighted to tackle the order. The server is painted in the same blue as the bench, and I refinished the top is a slightly more honey tone color than the original stain. 


  1. The bench is...amazing.

  2. Anonymous8/01/2016

    I absolutely love that bench! You are so talented! Beautiful...
