
Friday, April 8, 2016

A Side of the Road Table

Funny story about this massive vintage dining table. I spotted it on the side of the road up in West Hartford a few weeks ago. I was on my way to meet my friend for brunch before attending the Connecticut Spring Antiques Show, and didn't have time to stop and snag it, which was a shame because I'd driven my truck that day, and hate to see a good piece of furniture slip away. So we went to the antiques show, and there three separate antiques dealers mentioned to me that they'd seen a free table on the side of the road that looked right up my alley. And lo and behold when I was on my way home, it was still there! So I hopped out and took a closer look, really really sturdy, great design, cast iron base?! Suuuuuuuper cool. But I was alone, and it had a cast iron base that was attached nine different ways at least, so there was no separating the top from the bottom. And then, somehow, I became The Hulk. This happens when there's free furniture that I really want and I have no one to help me with it. Don't ask me how I managed to get this sucker into the back of my truck alone and wearing four inch heels, clearly it was divine table intervention.
               I wanted a very fresh, clean but playfully formal look for it, as it just seems like it came from a castle's orangerie. I painted it in layers of white, then cream, then distressed and sealed it with dark wax. I think you could seat twelve at it with the leaf in. I can't begin to imagine why someone put it to the curb, guess it was just my lucky day!! And of course, I staged it with one of my own orange trees.

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