Monday, April 14, 2014

New Acquisitions and Flea Market Finds

Yesterday was a terrific flea market. Really one of the best. I could have stayed there for hours and spent hundreds, though I managed to escape with at least a few dollars left in my pocket. So here's what I got:
First I got a set of four antique quarter saw oak side chairs for the guest house. They were $5 each. I'll be recovering the seats tonight. 

And how cool are these vintage barstools! $25 for the set of three. I'll be recovered the vinyl seats and they'll be our barstools upstairs in the guest house. 

I couldn't resist this antique fancy painted side chair. I suspect it's first period- c.1810, but I want to do some more research. It was a whopping $8.

Loved the vibrant summer hues of this antique oil painting. I talked him down to $20 for it. 

This dresser was a steal. Ive got big big plans for it. Just wait til you see.

Beautiful antique mixing bowl to add to my collection. It was $8

And the worlds coolest antique decanter set for $10. 

Love the color and all the detail. Now I need a very glamorous drink to put in it.

So I hung the painting with a similar one in my kitchen

And the antique chair is now with my antique bentwood chair in a little corner of the master bedroom. 

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous4/14/2014

    What flea market(s) do you go to?
