
Friday, November 1, 2013

A Cottage Desk

There's a me in my imagination who has lots of free time, spends leisurely mornings sipping coffee and perusing blogs, and peaceful evenings sipping wine and perusing design magazines. I've never actually met this "loads of free time" me, though I do seem to frequently assign her projects, all of which she ignores.
The free time me who doesn't exist really wants a nice little desk in the master bedroom, where she can sit and sip things and read things.  I'm a sucker for free time me, so I've been on the hunt for just the right desk to put in the perfect little spot in the master bedroom. Here's a picture of the desk I found on Sunday at flea market. It's so sweet and classic, but needed loads of work. I've got it all finished, and I'll show you the results on Saturday. In the mean time- here are some other adorable desks that free time me would certainly sit idly at for many hours.
Happy Friday!

Here's my poor neglected desk as it looked when I first hauled it out of the back of my truck on Sunday. This is the backside, the front has a nice little drawer too.

This was a definite inspiration for my desk refinishing project. Stiltskin Studio is one of my favorite furniture refinishing companies. They're work is amazing.

I love the simple linen cloth thrown over the desk. It softens the whole effect of this space. Also, desks are a great thing to tuck under an eave to utilize that tricky space. My desk will be tucked under the eave in my master bedroom.

Sweet and simple, the contrast of the bleached wood of the old farm table and the warm patina
of the chair is really nice.

I loooooooove the paint distressing on this secretary. It really pops against the deep shade of the wall too.

Such a wonderful way to reinvent a slant font desk. The chalky purple is very unique and extremely attractive.
Also, that lamp is terrific!

A rustic cottage nook becomes a useful work space with an inviting wicker chair, and elegant white desk here.

So many of my favorite things all in one space. A Queen Anne chair, a chandelier, a big old mirror. Fabulous! 

A sweet little desk and vintage folding table look picture perfect in this room. The mirror leaning up against the wall further supports the casual air. 

1 comment:

  1. I loved looking at so many photos in this post. The desk and the chair are so lovely, plus I love painted wood walls hands down (vs. drywall). I also love everything about the cottage nook. If you happen to explore my blog a bit, take a look at my bedroom reveal. I have a stained glass just like the one pictured, and I absolutely LOVE it.
