
Friday, September 20, 2013

Flea Market Finds and Late Summer Flowers

Summer ends this weekend, though it's really felt like Autumn for the last few weeks already. Yesterday evening I gathered up a bouquet of the last of my flowers to add a little color and cheerfulness to the kitchen. After I photographed it I realized I also never showed you what I bought at the flea market this passed weekend. Those pictures are included too. I hope you all have a very pleasant weekend. It's supposed to be just spectacular up here in New England!
Here's a little collection of flowers from our garden.

I picked up this small green demi john. I think it's mid 20th century.

This antique abacus was a great deal.

I think it completes my Autumn mantel quite nicely.

This large piece had such a warm rustic feel I couldn't resist it. The painting is on fabric.

And I snagged this beautiful vintage oil painting that perfectly captures the feel of New England Fall.

It's really well done!

And finally I got this wonderful vintage copper weathervane. I think it dates to about 1950 or so.

One way to tell the mid 20th century ones from the earlier 19th century weathervanes is on the quality of the impression. Do you see how soft and nondescript this horse is. The 19th century vanes were hand hammered into beautifully detailed molds and the result is impressive and highly detailed. By the mid 20th century they had gotten a bit lazy and the pieces are machine produced. All the same- it's a nice weathervane and I don't own a horse vane yet!


  1. Oh, I love all these pretty flea market finds, and your mantel is just gorgeous! The mirror and weathervanes are just outstanding.

    1. Thank You! That mirror is one of my favorite finds. I bought it off Craigslist on New Years Day two Years ago!
