
Sunday, September 8, 2013

Brimfield Goodies!

Phew! Sorry it's been a few days since my last post. I had a three day weekend, and between Brimfield and working tirelessly on some new furniture projects, I haven't had a moment to spare! But have no fear, I've got lots of content to share with you today!
      Thursday I went up to the giant Brimfield flea market with my dear friend Leslie. We had a tremendous time, and managed to pick up some wonderful finds. We used Leslie's camera to take pictures at the market, because it's way better than mine. I'll share the pictures of the market as soon as I snag the pics from her.
 In the mean time, I'll show you some pictures of the little treasures I brought home.
I hope you've had a lovely weekend!
First I picked up a set of 10 vintage crystal drops- I have an antique mercury glass chandelier that I've been wanting to modify into a crystal chandelier for ages.

And here's the chandelier newly hung, with it's newly attached crystals. Now I'm going to find some little lights and electrify it!
I also got a little vintage glass light shade for my pantry. We've had a bare bulb in the overhead light since we moved in four years ago!

I've wanted an antique column for sooo long. They're usually stupidly expensive. In fact, the evening before Brimfield I was flipping through some interior design books, and wishfully admiring the antique wood columns!

These antique brackets in their original paint were a steal. I'm going to add them to the back of my kitchen island, under the counter overhang.

I couldn't believe how many compliments I got on this little vintage bottle carrier. It was only $6!

And finally, I got this sweet vintage wire basket!

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