
Monday, August 26, 2013

New Acquisitions: Flea Market Goodies

         I always trust the flea market will provide. Just a couple days ago I was putting on my black boots that I've had for three years and thinking I really need to buy another pair. I basically live in boots three seasons of the year, so these had seen a lot of use. Since were saving for the studio right now, buying new boots at full retail price is not really in the cards. But that's ok. The flea market always looks out for me. A few weeks ago it was a cache of vintage coach bags at $7 a piece, and this week is was a stunning STUNNING pair of leather Frye boots, in my size. I almost died. They were $15. I mean really. That's just crazy. I've always wanted a pair of Frye boots, they're so subtly elegant in a country sort of way. But they're so crazy expensive that it was impossible. Until yesterday. They don't even look like they were ever worn. The lady I bought them from said her daughter didn't want them.
      I also scored three antique oak office chairs. They're as industrial chic as it comes, with the original little brass plates on the back for the Hale Chair Co. They each have an old label on the front that says "warehouse". So cool! I picked up four bar stools for myself- I'll show you the before and afters on them when they're done. All in all it was a good day :)



  1. I'm new to your site. OMG. $15.00 for Frye boots?! You are so lucky!

    1. I know! I was so excited! I wore them today :)
