
Thursday, June 20, 2013

Cut Glass Mirrors

      I'm going to call this type of mirror a cut glass mirror for lack of a better term (and there may be one). They've been loosely on my radar for a while, but I've been having such a moment with gold framed mirrors that I had not yet given them proper consideration, until this past Saturday.
       On Saturday my little town had it's annual town wide tagsale, and my buddy Leslie and I hit up about 35 sales in two hours. Leslie scored the most breathtaking cut glass mirror for her downstairs bathroom, which she's currently renovating. She sent me a picture of it hanging in its new spot. Prepare to be jealous!
I was pretty jealous, and so inspired by her mirror acquisition that when I saw a round cut glass mirror the next day at the flea market (for $10!!!) I snapped it up without hesitation. Now I've been admiring all of them and my goodness are they lovely. Here are some pretty examples, include the ones Leslie and I picked up.
Happy Thursday!
Incredibly elegant and refined- and I love the idea of a silvered bath tub!

This mirror looks quite a bit like the one I purchased on Sunday. Look how pretty it is in this gray bathroom.

A spectacular  antique Venetian cut glass mirror. It's so dramatic that the rest of the furnishings can be fairly simple.

This sweet antique mirror is etched and cut. I think it would look stunning at the end of a hallway.

The grand scale of this mirror is impressive. It adds some feminine sparkle to a vintage room.

Full on glamour with a mirror vanity and a cut glass mirror in this bathroom

A pair of round cut glass mirrors look divine in this elegant dining room.

Leslie's mirror hanging in its new spot in the almost complete bathroom

I'm going to hang this mirror in my dining room when I re-do my decor in August. 

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