
Monday, March 25, 2013

New Acquisitions, the First Flea Market of the Season

The first flea market of the season was yesterday morning and it did not disappoint. Yes, it was pretty chilly, but everyone bundled up and managed to have a good time anyway. I scored some pretty sweet stuff including a vintage oil landscape painting (you know how I love those), and stunning antique c.1870 walnut sideboard, and something weird that you'll probably laugh at me for buying. Also pictured is a great vintage solid pine armoire that my husband picked up for me on Saturday.
 Happy Monday!
First and foremost, can we talk about this stunner? I really want to keep this for myself. It's just my kind of thing, but my house is, alas, full- so someone will need to give this beautiful piece a home eventually. Those drawer pulls are extraordinary. I think I'm going to refinish the piece rather than paint it. I rarely do that, but a piece of this caliber merits it. It's big too- something like 40 inches tall and 38 inches wide if I had to guess.

And here is my lovely oil on canvas landscape. It's vintage and signed "F.Wils" I looked him/her up on askart, but no dice. I really like the water lilies in the foreground. The frame was dingy and boring and I knew immediately that I would paint it gold.

Close up of the lovely scene.

Aaaaaaand here's my crazy thing. The guy I purchased it from (don't worry I didn't spend a lot) told me that it was an antique cooper's bench, probably from the mid 19th century. I would certainly agree with the age. I could tell the piece was very old. When I got home I did a little research and this is indeed what a cooper's bench looks like. I like it because of it's sculptural appeal. 

So that's my flea market haul. Pretty good for the first one I think.

As soon as I got home from work I repainted the frame gold. Just one coat. I've been using the same teensy can of gold paint for all my projects for about two months now. That little can is really *ahem* worth it's weight in gold.

It really makes a difference for the painting. Brightens it up and makes it seem much more important.

This is the pine armoire that my husband picked up. It looks big and dark right now, but with some fresh bright paint and new pulls, it can look very handsome indeed.

And finally, a little bit of hope for those of us who love Spring. These sweet little blue flowers are blossoming by the antique shop where I work. I think they're bluebells...? Either way it made me smile to see them!

I spotted these wonderful crocuses coming up in a friend's yard on Saturday. So Spring has arrived and it will just get warmer and more pleasant from here on out!

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