
Monday, March 11, 2013

Garth's Auction- A Highlights Tour

Have you heard of Garth's Auction? I have a Garth's Auction problem. Literally and completely obsessed. They have Americana Auctions about seven times per year, and every time, the auction is packed to the brim with the most amazingly beautiful antiques. So drool worthy. I've never bought anything from Garth's, though I've bid unsuccessfully a few times. The pieces command the high prices they deserve, but still it's fun to window shop and get inspiration!
There is another auction coming up on Saturday, and I thought it would be fun to share some of my favorites from the catalog. The full catalog can be viewed here 
I'd recommend making yourself a nice cup of coffee and curling up with your laptop to enjoy the full thing if you have the time. Do you have any favorites I didn't show? I'd love to know!
Also- for my Connecticut pals- The Connecticut Spring Antiques Show is this weekend at the Hartford Armory. It's a wonderful show with many fantastic dealers bringing their coolest antiques. The Antique Shop that I work at will be there, it our 40th year exhibiting at the show...and it's the 40th anniversary of the show! Here's a link to the show for more information. I'll be working at the show on Sunday, so feel free to stop in and say Hi
Garth's highlights below. Enjoy~
I want a banner weathervane soooooo badly. 

Remember we were just talking about great corner cupboards. Love the color on this one!

Mount Washington, New Hampshire by Norris Rahming (Ohio, 1886-1959)
The colors and shading on this landscape are brilliant. I want to crawl into the picture.

An incredibly long, incredibly narrow table. It would be perfect in a studio, office or workshop. Couple of laptops, couple of lamps- brilliant!

Folk art painted shield from the late 19th or early 20th century. Charming and patriotic!

A series of painted shooting targets from an early 20th century carnival game. Wouldn't they be gorgeous lined up along a sideboard for Easter?

Stunning antique 19th century painted cupboard. This belongs in my kitchen. 

Look at the legs on this 19th century farm table. How beautiful are they!!!!

I adore 19th century signage. This simple black and gold one is especially appealing!

This is an incredible 19th century appliqué quilt. It's so stunning I can barely stand it. I love all the colors, the condition looks wonderful. Imagine it hung as art in a large guest room. 

Another fabulous 19th century sign in wonderful condition.

Just about the most perfect hutch I've ever seen in the history of life. All those drawers and doors,
and a zinc lined sink!!!! If only I could win the lottery.

Cote D'Azur by William Joseph Eastman (Ohio 1888-1956)
Beautiful landscape.

And finally- this spectacular and massive antique store counter. If you had the world's biggest kitchen, it would be the best island ever!

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