
Saturday, December 22, 2012

Beautiful Amethyst

Ok bear with me on this one. Come February, the days will finally get long enough that it won't be dark when I drive home from work. The sun will just be setting, and for whatever reason, the sunsets in Connecticut in February are consistently fabulous. The sky always turns the most amazing shades of pink and purple, and for me, it feels like the very earliest sign of Spring. I love that color of purple, and this year, I'm going to be bringing little hints of it into the decor for the early spring. I'm also hoping to get a few sweaters and scarves in that color for Christmas (hint hint husband). By May I'll be tired of pastels, but right now, I'm just dying to see all the pretty soft hues of early Spring.
I love this outfit, such a pretty shade of purple!

Amethyst looks soft and inviting in this formal cottage bedroom.

What a gorgeous bathroom with just the slightest hints of amethyst.

This looks like such a comfy chair, and I love the shade of the velvet upholstery.

These amethyst glass tumblers are exquisite!

What an absolutely breathtaking settee in the most delicate shade of purple.

Fun and funky with a vintage travel poster.

I love love love amethyst seltzer bottles. I don't own any yet, but I want one.

the most beautiful springy throw pillow.

A stunning hand dyed scarf is the perfect accessory for cold spring mornings.

A stunning room in shades of light blue and pale amethyst feels like the most relaxing retreat.

A simple vignette made lovely with a pair of purple pillows.

quirky and eccentric, this space is a feast for the eyes!

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