
Monday, November 12, 2012

"What is that?!" (New Acquisitions)

Yesterday morning the weather was clear and unseasonably warm. I woke up feeling great and very excited for the flea market. I knew there would be a lot of people there since the weather was so fine and because it was the second to last flea market of the year. I got all prepared to go, and was just walking to the door of my yellow truck when I realized that my back left tire was completely and totally flat. BOOOO! I called AAA, arranged for them to swap out the flat for the spare, and ended up having to take my little blue car to the flea market. I arrived much later than I usually do, and had to rush through the stalls. There were a couple dressers that I would have certainly considered buying, had I not driven the worlds smallest car there. Luckily, I was able to grab some nice small items, including this wire contraption. I knew exactly what it was as soon as I saw it, and I thanked my lucky stars that it still had its disgusting discolored plastic liner. The liner was just gross enough to deter everyone else from buying this little treasure, so that it was still in the booth when I arrived late to the party. And at $15, I snatched it up without hesitation. Three separate people asked me on my way out "What is that!?". To which I would exclaim triumphantly, "An antique wire laundry basket!"
If you're an interior design junky like me, you've seen these before. At Brimfield they regularly command prices of well over $100. It was the bargain of the day! I also got eight vintage necklaces for $16 and this sweet little shelf for $8. It's in my kitchen now, but I'm hoping to put it upstairs. And I picked up two antique blue green soda bottles to add to my collection for $4. Then at the end of the night yesterday, I scored this FABULOUS antique oak dresser. Look at those drawer pulls!
Before getting cleaned up and having the liner removed. It's no wonder that nobody bought it before me!

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