
Saturday, September 8, 2012

The Brimfield Report - September Edition

I love a good Brimfield. Yesterday was a great Brimfield. For those of you who are new to the blog. Brimfield is one of the largest and most fabulous flea markets in the country. It happens three times a year, in May, July, and September, and draws antique dealers, furniture designers, bargain hunters, and junkers from all over the northeast. It's basically awesome.
The problem with Brimfield: all those attendees are a captive audience, and the prices reflect it. No one is getting a bargain, but you will see some amazing things that you could not find anywhere else. If you're willing to pay the price, you can walk out of Brimfield with some serious treasures.
The weather was very hot yesterday, and at least two people collapsed and had to be taken away via ambulance. I did my best to stay hydrated, and wore light weight clothes.
The prices were actually not terrible, enough to tempt me, but having just finished my fall decor, there wasn't much I was really hunting for.
I did snag two pieces of furniture that are sooooo awesome, and I think you'll like them two. I found a wonderful antique kitchen cabinet, with great drawer pulls and a fabulous surface. I was planning to put it in our pantry, but my husband reminded me that we're going to be putting a dishwasher in that spot soon. So now I've decided I will put in under the eaves in our bedroom as some built in cabinetry. Nothing like architectural salvage to make a space feel authentic and exciting.
I also got a rolling rack, originally used in a shoe factory. I've been coveting one of these for years. YEARS. and they're always way way out of my price range. Also, they generally have spindles instead of shelves, which is no good for artfully stacking plates and dishes, as I intend to.
Pictures of the new acquisitions, and some other great things that I didn't buy are below. Hope you're all having a great weekend!
There were millions of antique and vintage signs, Some, like this one, were authentic, many many others were questionable.

I loved this little cupboard with all its drawers. Would be so perfect for storing accessories!

Here's my kitchen cabinet as it was in the booth. Don't you adore that beadboard door, and the old chippy paint! I will put a new top on it though. There's nothing pretty about tired laminate.

These wire laundry baskets were commanding huge prices. I've seen a couple on my favorite design blogs. I know want one for my upstairs kitchen. Maybe I can find one at my local flea market for less than the $100-$125 that they were fetching at Brimfield.

This was a great booth. The score card is very cool, and I like the teeny plates on the teeny rack.

A pair of fabulous antique lunch boxes, would have fit right in with my schoolhouse decor.

A child size hutch stacked with ironstone.

This was incredible in person. Its a cape worn by one of the performers during the Ziegfield follies. Truly, it should be in a museum. Spectacular.

Another nice old trade sign- and look at the mannequins in the background. You see a little bit of everything at Brimfield.

Because everyone needs a horse drawn carriage!

There was a booth with magnificent early textiles and clothing. This little boys suit c.1885 caught my eye.

Remember my post about giant clocks? Isn't this one great! They were asking almost $1000 for it!

Here's my rolling rack as it was in the booth. I just couldn't leave without it!

Schoolhouse decor was hot Hot HOT. There were globes and maps and flash cards and charts and school chairs everywhere! Look at those two giant insect charts in the corner - aren't those fabulous!

This was a great booth but everything in it was over $500!

Loooooooved this table. The guy told me it had come from an old grocer's shop. I think it's lost about 4" of height from it's feet, but still. lovely.

A great antique work bench nestled in almost all kinds of interesting smalls. That bench would make such a great kitchen island.

I really like these antique store counters. When I own a giant antique house someday, I want one!

Here's my shelf at home. It needs to be cleaned up a little. They would place the newly made shoes on these drying racks to let the glue harden, so they're literally caked with glue.

It's even on early casters. So stunning!

And a nice shot of my new cabinet. I'm going to clean it up a but, and put a nice board top on it. I'm pleased to say the drawers and the door all work perfectly (thank goodness because I foolishly didn't check before I bought it!)

This isn't the permanent spot for the rack, I just tucked it away until I can fix it up. I do want to put it in either the kitchen or the dining room as I picture it being stacked with plates and glasses and mugs.

1 comment:

  1. Jackie9/09/2012

    Great pics. I spy metal olive baskets in one of those booths. Those are on my wish list....but not for the prices being asked! Your shoe rack is so fun. Bet you can't wait to decorate it.
