
Wednesday, July 11, 2012

What I'll be looking for at Brimfield

I never seem to make it to the May Brimfield, or the September one, so the July Brimfield is a BIG deal for me. I'm counting down the hours until I can drive the yellow pickup up to that veritable mecca of flea market glory. For those of you who don't know, Brimfield is the be-all, end-all massive flea market that happens three times a year in the otherwise sleepy town of Brimfield Massachusetts. It's overwhelming, about 300 times bigger than the Mansfield flea market that I like to go to on Sundays. There's a little bit of everything, and if you don't go up with a plan in place, you can end up buying really really silly things, or spending way too much money, or both.
Now my house is pretty full already, and because the prices are about 50% higher than our local flea market, Brimfield is not the best place to buy furniture. It is, however, and awesome place to get decorative accessories. Here's a working list of what I'll be keeping an eye out for on Friday at Brimfield:
1. A rustic antique pine console table for the front porch. Really rustic. I know, I just said the furniture up there is expensive...but if I can find one for the right price!
2. An antique small black framed beveled mirror for the family room
3. Antique educational posters or charts
4. A set of antique schoolhouse style chairs
5. An fabulons antique oil painting to put on my new antique easel (must remember to show you all a picture of the fabulous antique easel I got on Sunday for $5)
6. Antique signs...always. I just can't resist
7. A couple vintage suitcases to stack on the lower shelf of the rustic pine console table
8. One of those amazing antique amoeba shaped wire baskets
9. A long antique bench
10. An antique tray, probably wooden, to put on the coffee table

Here are some images of what I'm hoping to find.
Are you going to Brimfield???
A stunning oil painting that would look awesome on my vintage easel. It captures the colors of fall so perfectly.

Such soft color to this. It really balances the hefty construction. The one drawer is a quirky charming touch to this console table

I'm obsessed with this table. It's saved in my 'interiors' folder on my desktop. The truss construction reminds me of an old bridge. If I saw this at Brimfield I would basically just open up my wallet and dump out everything I had for it. 

This vintage french education chart would be amazing for the fall decor.

Another really beautiful vintage french chart. These come in such a grand, impressive size. Great as single impactful piece of art hung on a big wall. 

The shape and dimensions of this mirror are really stunning. I'd like to find one with a frame in an old black paint surface though.

My set of five antique school house chairs. If I can ever find another set, I'm keeping them! I want to switch out the chairs in my dining room for fall.
The ones I have now are great for spring and summer, but a little dainty for the colder seasons.

This painting is breathtaking. So much color, such great composition. Perfect to put on the easel...which I think I'll put in the corner on the enclosed porch.

A really great antique trade sign. 

Pocket watch trade signs always bring big BIG $$$ so I won't likely see one in my budget anytime soon. I always look though, always hold out hope. I will get one someday, even it means laying down some serious cash to do it. 

I think a sweet stack of vintage suitcases will really help to capture the vintage schoolhouse vibe I'm going for in the fall. They're everywhere so I should be able to get some for pretty cheap .

If I can find a basket that's the right size, I'd like to put in on our dining room table and fill it to the brim with mini pumpkins and gourds as a fall centerpiece.

The old green paint on this antique bench is so pretty. I'm such a sucker for a rich emerald green color!

I really like the lines of this antique bench. The curves of the legs add a lot of extra charm. I want to get one to use as a coffee table on our porch.

I'd like to put a big rustic tray like this on our coffee table to coral all the magazines that accumulate there.

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