
Tuesday, February 28, 2012

New Acquisitions!!

Ok- so it's been a quiet February- I've been working hard on some new furniture projects, but nothing exciting. I thought I would show you some of my recent purchases though, because the tagsale season has finally started!! I went to my first one last Saturday, and it was really good. Here are some of the items I snatched up, as well as some projects I've picked up off craigslist. I should have some really awesome before and afters in the next few days I finish pieces up. And the final post is a blossoming crocus I found in my garden when I came home from work today. Take that winter!! Spring is just around the corner now!
Or do blossoming flowers mean it's here already?
I picked this cute little table up at a tagsale last fall. The center leaf folds into the table- super clever!

This was a hand built utility cabinet from a pantry. I found it at an estate sale (have I mentioned I hate estate sales?) a few weeks ago. I managed to get it for a fairly reasonable price. Look at those original enamel drawer pulls! I think it dates to the 1940s. With some new paint, feet, and a new top, it will make an AWESOME kitchen island.

It even has handy shelving on the inside already!

This is a wonderful, WONDERFUL wonderful c. 1830 chest of drawers from the same estate sale. I know, it looks a bit rough but in person it's breathtaking. The drawers are all dovetailed, the top is wood pegged on. It would have had turned feet originally, and I intend to find some and re-attach them. I'm going to keep it and put our tv on it once our bedroom is finished being renovated. I'll show you the after soon, and you'll see how beautiful this dresser can be!

Finally from the same estate sale is this sweet two and a half foot tall chest. It must have been made for a child and dates to 1900-1920. It still has early floral wallpaper on the back, and it's original cut glass knobs. With a little white paint it will be knock your socks off cute.

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