
Tuesday, December 13, 2011

A sideboard and a dresser

I had one of my first commissioned projects this past week- So much fun. In October I picked up two mid 19th century dressers/or possibly sideboards- as their top drawers were lined with early velvet. Both needed a lot of work, but were simply beautiful, and impossible to pass up. A customer who had purchased an item previously contacted me to turn one of the dressers into a sideboard for her dining room (to match the dining set she had bought from me). I got right to work. I'd been itching to start work on the dressers ever since I bought them, and it was great to know I had buyer from the start. I painted the dresser Martha Stewart's Onyx and sanded and stained and sealed the top. I also did a dresser for the customer in the same style (I didn't take a before picture of the dresser, sorry). So here are the before and afters of the project!
As you can see- I was missing hardware- but had actually saved a great set from another dresser whose drawers were not salvageable.

I had just started sanding the top- which sanded really easily. The great paneling continues all the way around on both dressers from the set I bought. That's why I'm going to turn the other one into a kitchen Island.

The scrolled top and apron make the piece structurally appealing. It just needed a face lift.


And here's the vintage maple dresser that got the same treatment.

Very sleek and sexy!

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