
Sunday, October 9, 2011

A good weekend!

Sorry I took yesterday off- I was busy finding awesome (or soon to be awesome) things, and working on finishing some stuff to get it up on craigslist. So this post is devoted entirely to the weekend's haul- which was substantial for two reasons. #1 It's a holiday weekend and the weather was obscenely spectacular, so there were many many tag sales, and the flea market was huge. #2 I really have to build up my inventory because in about 2 weeks all the tag sales and flea markets will end until *gulp* April.  
On Saturday I woke up bright and early and hit up about 15 tagsales. Sunday is flea market day, and it may have been the best one I've seen since I started going 3 years ago. 
So much temptation! and here's what I got-
I got this nice little coffee table at a tag sale at the tail end of the morning. It's in perfect condition structurally, and just needs some new paint to feel fresh.

This fantastic sign (so perfect for Halloween) was purchased on behalf of a dear friend who has a sincere fondness for all things macabre. It's from a funeral home in New Britain, CT

I found this vintage office chair in the basement of a little house estate sale. I know it looks rough, but a little elbow grease, and it should turn out very nice.

What is it? Well I think it was a console table, but your guess is as good as mine.  It's wrought iron, and definitely fits into my industrial chic inclinations. With a new top (marble maybe?) it will be magnificent. And may be one I keep for myself.

Got this sweet little stool at the flea market for a dollar. I'm going to keep it and work it into my holiday decor. Cute right? Love that light blue/green shade of the old paint.

Uh-oh, another one I'm keeping for myself! I got this amazing little rustic side table at the flea market. It's very solid, and has the most amazing early green paint. It's even got splay legs, but you can't tell in the picture. $10!!!

Got this one at the flea as well. With some new paint and maybe some cool drawer pulls, we'll have a winner. Its solid maple and a really nice petite size.

found this little gem free on the side of the road- a tag sale left over (helpful hint- drive around on Sunday mornings after big tag sale Saturdays, and you're sure to find some awesome stuff for free!). It needs some work, but nothing I can't manage. It's too cute to be thrown away, and will soon be porch worthy once more!

My favorite item of the whole weekend, and obviously, I'm keeping it. It's real vintage, nice chippy paint, and its two sided. I. Just LOVE IT.

another cool vintage sign. It's smallish maybe 9" by 3", but look at those awesome vintage graphics, I couldn't pass it up!

well aside from some smalls, that's what I picked up this weekend. Should be enough to keep me busy for several weeks, and I'll be sure to show you the befores and afters as I go. 

1 comment:

  1. good idea about driving after the yard sales (maybe later on Saturday). Thank you for the tip
